Occupy Protesters Seen as Modern-Day Foot Soldiers

November 1, 2011           

By Brian Mezerski

NEW YORK, NY - Protesters living in Zuccotti Park have been demonstrating for the past 47 days as part of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement.

Those involved in the movement are fighting against the destructive power of major banks and multinational corporations.  Many are upset with the role Wall Street has played in creating an economic collapse that caused the biggest recession in current times.  Uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia inspired this aim to expose how the richest 1% of people is controlling the economy.  There is a looming fear of how the global economy is foreclosing on the future.

“Occupy Wall Street” is a people-initiated protest that began September 17th in New York City’s financial center.  The demonstrations have spread to over 100 cities in the United States and in over 1,500 cities globally.

Protesters of the “Occupy Wall Street” demonstration can be seen as current-generation “foot soldiers” of the Civil Rights movement.  Everyday people of the Civil Rights movement had willingness to stand before water hoses, risk police batons, and march through streets.  These peaceful protests were the forces that led to the movement’s success.

“Occupy” demonstrations around the world are likewise being organized using the tool known as a “people’s assembly.”  This method facilitates collective decision making in an open, participating and non-binding manner.  Just as those of the Civil Rights era united in their beliefs for improving quality of life and equal justice, leaders of the Occupy movements are raising the consciousness of the country on the fundamental issues of poverty, income inequality, and economic justice.

Protesters from both groups – those in the Civil Rights Movement and those in the Occupy Wall Street movement – rally for their specific cause.  Although both events are seen as large-scale demonstrations, every person adds their individual voice to the greater impact of the movement.  If protestors do not unite, then their ideas may never be heard.

Foot soldiers are known as those individuals who, despite playing significant, powerful, and historic roles in any movement, remain largely obscure.  It is crucial to recount the stories of these foot soldiers, for although their efforts have not been well documented or widely publicized, their courage and contributions have nevertheless transformed our nation.

Newspaper Assignment Explanation

            When visiting the Martin Luther King site, I was inspired by the Freedom Road exhibit.  This piece displayed statues of ordinary people, walking together along the road towards their common goal.  I am interested in how and why people managed to come together and rally for their cause.
            When choosing to write my article, I wanted to not only discuss something dealing with the Civil Rights movement.  For me, I needed to make a connection to current events.  I decided to parallel protesters of the Occupy Wall Street movement, currently happening in New York City, with foot soldiers of the Civil Rights movement.  This method gives a unique perspective when connecting to a past event.
            Formatted as a hard-news story, the article first gives the essential information about the Occupy Wall Street movement.  Timeliness is key in the first part of my article because the event is happening right now.  Readers receive their up-to-the-minute news about the Occupy situation.  There is potential conflict related to the story; many protesters are being mistreated while they are demonstrating their side of an issue.  Some may agree or disagree with their methods and motivations.  My article touches slightly on each element of journalism.  I wish to inform and educate my readers about the situation happening in New York City and in other locations.  Also, some elements of entertainment are brought in when connecting the story to a previous event such as the Civil Rights movement.