
Let's be careful of our web presence.

I Googled my name tonight. Yes, how humble it is of me.  It's important, though, for me to always keep check of my web presence.  It is vital especially in this time of life where potential employers and internship directors will be triple checking everything I post online.

I was reminded because of stumbling on this webpage:  http://www.theantitheftdevice.com/stolen-laptops/students-laptop-stolen-others-items-missing-mov

The website, which I had never seen before, has one of my news stories embedded in it.  I'm not affiliated with that site and have no idea what their mission/values are.  The story is about laptop theft in college dorms and the site is about preventing computer theft.  I see how they relate.  But I'm now on their site, so somehow a viewer's perception can be different than reality.  In this instance, I didn't cause that.

Tags have power on the internet.  I never dreamed my video would end up somewhere like that site.  It definitely shows you never know how one thing traces to another.

So, just a reminder:  enjoy the fun; be careful.