Phoenix14News: Students discover items stolen from vehicles

Elon students respond to theft around campus
By Brian Mezerski

More than $5000 in property have been stolen from 11 Elon University students’ vehicles, according to Elon Town Police reports.
Thirteen reports of larceny have been filed since April 13, with 10 reports involving theft from a motor vehicle.
“I’ve been checking my locks all the time lately and I’m always re-checking my car door,” said senior Jena Eisenberg, who had items stolen.  “I kind of had a nightmare about it.”
Elon Town Police say the theft happened to unlocked vehicles on West Trollinger Avenue, Brookview Drive and Woodale Drive.  Students had items such as GPS units, iPods and other audio equipment stolen.
“These are financially motivated,” said Lt. Lyle Anibal of Elon Town Police.  “Someone just went on a run.  They went to different areas and tried to get as much or many of these little electronic devices as possible.”
Junior Bobby Renner had several items stolen from his car on Friday, April 13.  Renner said the items stolen were valued at more than $250.
“There was a mess in the car,” Renner said, “and I looked in and noticed a couple of things were missing.  They’re definitely going to make some money off of them if I don’t get them back.”
Students have not had their possessions returned or know who stole the items, since the incidents are still under investigation.
Eisenberg said she now makes sure she locks her car doors and says it’s a lesson learned.
“In the end, I actually think it was good,” Eisenberg said.  “I needed a little reality check before I left college and now I’m definitely taking my stuff out.”
Police say there are several ways students can keep their property safe in the parking lot:
  • Always close their windows and lock car doors.
  • Be aware of their surroundings and call Elon Town Police immediately if they see a suspicious person.
  • Keep serial numbers to all personal items.  Police said that it is easier to track and find missing items if they know the serial numbers.