March 2012

It's March 1st.  We're almost out of winter, going to be starting spring.

new methods     new ideas   new products

We're entering the time to leap forward.  The warmer weather is usually motivation, we're in the groove of the new year, it's not quite time to take a rest for part of the summer.  It's a great time to do something completely new or to greatly expand what we already do. 

Take a look at this video - it's quite fascinating how technology evolved, will evolve, and some ideas for the future.  Think: only a few years ago, the technology didn't even exist that would allow someone to use their fingers to pinch in and out on a screen to make images bigger or smaller.  Tech is changing quickly.  

Innovation is happening all around us.  I want to take this month, March, to advance my ideas and use the time, somehow, to innovate.