
Acceptance of Change

Recognize this painting?

What about this one?

A good friend brought to my attention the update to another iconic American symbol.  The painting, Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emmanuel Leutze, may not be a completely accurate depiction of the events happening on that cold Christmas Day.  By today, someone has reexamined the facts and created the latter, updated painting.

This idea presented to me this concept: how easily do we accept change?  Even when we are blatantly wrong, how stubborn can we be to not accept the truth?  Is a specific change good or bad?  Change has to occur eventually, whether small or large.  I'm raising more questions than I'm going to answer.

Take a look at the old painting; it's still a powerful piece.  Take a look at the new painting; it's still a fabulous work of art.

Here are two articles:
What's wrong with this painting?
Crossing the Delaware, More Accurately
