
What is art?

Many more questions come through critical thinking in the humanities. To answer the question about art, let me share some words that come to mind when thinking about what art is. This list is only a very selective group, and much time can be spent thinking about what each word means, how it connects to the subject, and why it defines 'art.'

          purpose           form
                 expression           complexity
                       relevant          meaning

The actual definition of the word can be, "The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture." Why does this definition have to continue past the comma? Can art not extend into other forms than what may be seen in a museum gallery? So often, we see art as just a painting, sculpture or in some physical form. I see many other processes fit into the art category. Art is such an immense part of our everyday lives that we may hardly ever stop to think about it. There is so much more in life that can be considered art.

Constructing the finest sculpture is art. Conducting a complex medical procedure is art. Conversing about this topic is art.

The greater problem we have with understanding art is limiting our thoughts about the matter. The challenge is to let the mind become free. It may be quite difficult to understand or process, but through time, anyone can become open to the idea that art is limitless. Conventionally, we think of the separation between the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. However, the overall thought is to see the connections between the three disciplines.

Even many more thoughts come through critical thinking, especially when we are not limited by hard-edge boundaries of thought.
