
Thanks for joining me this month.  I am calling January 2012 "my month of reading and critical thinking."  There are multiple questions to answer right from the start.

First, why create a blog?  January is a time for new.  To keep that long tradition, I have decided to use a form of communication which is normally unappealing to me.  However, for only a month, I will post longer messages and ideas through this form; hopefully, in an appealing manner to you, my amazing audience.  With that second point, it is good to change up routine.  Many do not simply turn to social media to read about someone else's life.  At heart, readers want something in return for themselves.  So as I post, let's use my semi-rambling thoughts as a discussion.  Please keep the conversation going with me, whether through rejections, criticisms, praises, or notes.

Second, why will this month be full of reading and critical thinking?  Winter Term has consumed Elon's campus.  For this single month of January, students can take one class, every day of the week, and focus solely on getting credit for the one course.  I am taking Interdisciplinary Approaches to Literature - a crazy choice - where I will read countless pages of literature, think critically (no ambiguous wording needed here), then use my conclusions to find another piece of art that connects to my reading.

Third, why present thoughts, like many others, online?  I am taking the opportunity on here for you, the average Brian-knower, to get to know me better.  I want you to be a part as I continue to live, learn, and "know thyself."  It is my desire not to be another one of those typical bloggers; nonetheless, I am nothing more than that.  I am simply a guy, writing random thoughts, not even using spellcheck or analyzing to improve my thoughts, and expecting everyone to appreciate my ideas.  But those who will read, I know, will read because they want to read.

You may read because you want a laugh, desire to read about me, or want something new.
