
A brief look at dealing with a demise.

A tough subject.

Often the end of a life comes way too early, and people have to deal with emotions probably much more complex than they could handle in that moment.  As part of the acceptance stage, everyone has to work out their thoughts and "move on."

For some, they deal with the matter on a daily basis.  It has to be rough.  Constantly hearing, seeing, and speaking about the passing must really tear up someone on the inside.  But how can they handle this process?

The easiest way many have dealt with this subject is to:  see it as their daily job & compartmentalize emotions.  The goal is to properly give out the facts and be clear to the audience.  During the day, personal thoughts have to be removed.  Once the job is done, once we are in bed back a home for the night, we can then let out our own emotions.

The service is done for family members.  The job is not to highlight personal emotions but it is to celebrate a life.

We're talking about how to handle a demise through the news.

A tough subject.
