
A Hero

Now another question:  Does this painting depict heros or victims?
El Tres de Mayo, by Francisco de Goya

The discussion of a hero has different meanings for all people.  Some think Cinderella, Batman, and the Joker are all heros.  We see there may be one arguable character in that list for many as to whether he is to be considered a hero or not.  The concept of heroism is on a sliding scale.  This ambiguity calls, in common conversation, to establish objectives of what defines a hero.
For some, a hero is someone who responds to basic human needs.  A hero could just be a person with a following and people who support the main character. Or, a hero can be the person in the spotlight who overcomes the obstacles or odds of a society.  Aristotle goes further and presents the idea that a hero must possess a flaw.  Who/what do we consider a hero?  Why do we consider something a hero?

There immediately seems to be a big separation in types of heros:  fictional and real.  Instantly, many think of the comic book characters as heros.  This idea presents a problem.  In our society today, it seems heros are based on the created characters.  Relying on the fictional, maybe those with supernatural powers and abilities, is the basis of defining a heroic person.  Our thoughts shift away from the common-man hero, probably the most highly regarded heros.  Think of the NYPD/Fire Department on September 11 or Sully Sullenberger who landed his plane safely in the Hudson River.  What about Walt Disney, Morgan Freeman, or Fred Rogers?  Common man can be more of a hero than the fictional characters.  If we need even more of a list of current-day heros, CNN compiles a list each year of seemingly-heroic characters through CNN Heros.  In the past, our society relied on mom, dad, police officer, and school teacher as hero.  Prior to our recreating of heroism through, let's say, comic book characters, we could only rely on the common man.

Is heroism temperamental?  Are the common-man heros of today quickly fading out of society's memory?  

There are different characteristics and viewpoints; do we want to become the hero?
