
Whitney Houston as Soup Can

Let's try to make some interdisciplinary connections.  I will simply bullet point a couple of thoughts, and we can use the points to expand and create our own ideas.  

  • We may quickly pass by this art piece and see it as nothing more than an iconic symbol of American culture.  But if we learn the process used to create this piece, then we may discover something greater in meaning.
  • There is a question, "Is this a flag, or is this a painting?"  Certainly, it is a painting and not a flag.  But the simplicity of the work, using a concept that connects to every American, allows anyone to understand Gasper's painting.

  • The Campbell's soup cans are another icon of American culture.  The collection of Pop Art, again, represents the simplicity a powerful art piece can have.
  • Whether his purpose for creating this art was for monetary reasons or for the sake of art, Warhol demonstrates how everyone can be captivated by and relate to a measly can of soup.

  • Whitney Houston, herself an icon of current American culture, presents herself with great power through vocals and performance.  In this video, not only is she singing with might, but she is surrounded by a large orchestra and is in the presence of many service people.  The event is a powerful moment for American patriotism.
  • In a sense, Houston is captivating the American audience and spirit.  She is bringing together the people, just as Gasper's Flag and Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans joins people together.
This quick example is, of course, only a single aspect we can use to analyze these three pieces.  There are numerous connections found in every piece of work.  We always have to use some more thought and examination to understand how the three categories connect.  

Today we can now see how Whitney Houston can be a soup can.
