
Grateful Experience

I had the opportunity to experience something else new this month:  news anchoring.  I auditioned and was selected as one of two positions for winter term anchor.  This position is for our campus-wide news program, Phoenix14News.

I will start by saying that the business is definitely team-oriented.  Without the work of reporters, producers, directors, and the complete staff, nothing productive would get accomplished for the show.  It is so awesome to work with many great people to put together a quality show.  Thank you, producers, for the opportunity to gain experience and learn more about the news business.

I had so much fun during my three shows to anchor.  I enjoyed writing, reading, and learning about all stories in the newscast.  The experience has helped me to already improve my talents, and I have now found more stuff to refine.  Advancement is a continual process.

My favorite aspect is actually two:  the excitement in the hour before show and putting on the show.  The chaos of news really happens right before the show begins, as everything and final details are being put in place.  Also, once the time has come, finally getting to show off the team's work is outstanding.  There is nothing better than seeing the complete, final product.

My anchoring definitely shows that if you want to get involved, you can.  At a point, it's time to stop thinking about something and actually do it.  Every little piece of involvement does help.

Contemplation is good for a while, but experience is greater proof.

Links to newscasts for viewing and critiquing pleasure:
